CHRIS EVERARD'S SPIRIT WORLD: Vol3 - official Release Date 12-02-12
- Full Colour Gatefold Artwork
- Eco-Friendly Digi-pack
- Full Colour printed disc
- Soundtrack featuring the SCI-FI BUDDHAS
CHRIS EVERARD travels to EGYPT for this two hour documentary - and investigates the MAGICAL RITUALS and TELEPATHIC TECHNIQUES of the ancient world. CHRIS EVERARD'S SPIRIT WORLD Harry Potter
He shows us stone carvings which resemble 'blueprints' or 'circuit diagrams' of PSYCHIC TECHNOLOGY. Chris Everard then presents official documents from the Pentagon Archives which prove that the U.S. Air Force have trained an entire army of PSYCHIC WARRIORS at AREA 51. Top Nuclear Physicists, such as Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking have proposed that there are several parallel universes - and that a 'wormhole' can be created by bending and manipulating gravity. Official U.S. Air Force documents prove that a 'STAR GATE' has been developed using a team of Psychics. These psychics 'bend' gravity waves Harry potter
Meet Harry Potter Explore all of the books and find out more about Harry, his friends and adventures. Check out