Storytellers Favorite Fables
- Format: Color, DVD, NTSC, Widescreen
- Language: English and Spanish
- Region: Region 1
- Run time: 62 minutes
- Special Features: Auto or continuous play options, Story selection, On-line activities
Kids Love Stories!
Storytellers Favorite Fables engage, entertain and educate children, encouraging them to express themselves and participate. Storytellers Favorite Fables Harry Potter
Join the audience as four nationally known, award-winning storytellers; Diane Ferlatte accompanied by musician Eric Pearson, Leeny Del Seamonds, Geri Keams and Angela Lloyd entertain, teach and explore the world using words, expressions, gestures and music. Each storyteller uses their unique talents and backgrounds to bring their stories to life and introduce your child to characters, places and lives from around the world. Created without animation or quick edits this edutainment is a healthy alternative to cartoons......Recommended ages 3 through 10 years old......Fables: Croc 'n Hen,
Yuca (in English Harry potter
Meet Harry Potter Explore all of the books and find out more about Harry, his friends and adventures. Check out
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