Harry Potter Magic Eye Book: 3D Magical Moments (Magic Eye Books)
New York Times best-selling Magic Eye 3D optical illusions are back with images from the world's top-grossing theatrical franchise, Harry Potter. Harry Potter Magic Eye Book Harry Potter
Twenty-six full-color Magic Eye 3D illusions are ready to entertain and delight inside the newest title Harry Potter Magic Eye Book: 3D Magical Moments.Featuring full-color scenes of Harry, Hermione, and Ron in Hogsmeade, Harry in Potions class, and such magical moments as Ron's run-in with the Whomping Willow, Harry Potter Magic Eye Book: 3D Magical Moments employs Magic Eye's patented 3D technology. Viewers will find a full-color image on each page, with a smaller black-and-white image of the "hidden" scene in the back of the book to help solve each optical illusion.Timed to co Harry potter
Meet Harry Potter Explore all of the books and find out more about Harry, his friends and adventures. Check out
Harry Potter Magic Eye Book: 3D Magical Moments (Magic Eye Books) Related
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