The Unofficial Harry Potter Insults Handbook: 101 Comebacks For The Slytherin In Your Life
Got a belligerent bully on your back? Next time your paths cross, say "Every time I see a Dementor, I'm forced to relive our every encounter. The Unofficial Harry Potter Insults Handbook Harry Potter
Has that frenemy reared her ugly head? Tell her she's the fourth Unforgiveable Curse.
Is a know-it-all giving you trouble? Arm yourself with "I can tell you didn't get an O.W.L. in Transfiguration. Otherwise you would've done something about your face."
Whether you're a N.E.W.T.-level wizard or a wide-eyed witch still awaiting your Hogwarts acceptance letter, you've probably encountered a merciless Malfoy or despicable Dursley who makes your magical blood boil. If you've ever stood speechless as someone called you a talentless squib, a worthless git or a filthy mudblood, Harry potter
Meet Harry Potter Explore all of the books and find out more about Harry, his friends and adventures. Check out

The Unofficial Harry Potter Insults Handbook: 101 Comebacks For The Slytherin In Your Life Related
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