Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged (DVD)
- Format: DVD
- Language: English
- Studio: Loyal Productions
- DVD Release Date: 2006
- Time: 60 Minutes
Does Witchcraft actually have power?
If so, what is its source?
Does the Harry Potter series' presentation of Witchcraft make it any more acceptable just because it is packaged as "children's fantasy literature"?
Best selling authors Robert S. Harry Potter Harry Potter
McGee and Caryl Matrisciana answer these questions and draw parallels between Harry Potter and true Witchcraft as practiced today with actual footage of witches, their rituals, spells and interviews. Viewers will discover similarities with Harry Potter and Witchcraft in Mother Goddess, Meditation, Black Magic, Curses & Spells, Divination & Sorcery, Occult symbology, Evolution & Reincarnation, Demon possession, Seasonal/nature celebrations, Communing with the dead and spirit world, "Dark" aspects of Witchcraft, Harry potter
Meet Harry Potter Explore all of the books and find out more about Harry, his friends and adventures. Check out
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